Elu on mäng, mis lõpeb alati surmaga, ükskõik kuidas sa seda ka ei mängiks

Monday, 10 January 2011

Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.

i miss your laugh. i miss your smile. i miss that time when ALL was fine.
“It’s sad when the people you know Became people you knew. When you can walk right past someone. Like they were never a big part of your life. How you used to be able to talk for hours And now you can barely even look at them.”
When i'm with you,I smile and laugh I seem happy. But when I'm alone, I cry and feel pain in my heart. I am really sad because you're not mine. You're her's
Kerge on surra sõbra eest, aga raske leida sõpra, kelle eest surra!

memories flash in my mind and death flashes in my life
On vaja ainult ühte minutit , et teda märgata , ühte tundi , et teda hinnata ja ühte päeva , et teda armastama hakata ja tervet elu , et teda unustada .

 Smile because you had the chance, cry because you missed it.
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.

 A best friend is the one who can look at you whit the biggest slime on your face and still knows some things wrong.
 Now I know, that these were just the words, that were coming out of your mouth.. not out of your heart.
 Elu on kui kiirrong, aastad on vagunid, arstid on pidurid, lõppjaam on Surm .
Raske on öelda, mis on armastus. Ainult niipalju on temast teada, et hinges on ta valitsevaks kireks, mõistuses poolehoiuavalduseks, kehas varjatud ning salapäraseks tungiks omada seda, keda armastatakse

its hard to hold on to something that you know would never be yours in any way you think of, you just have to learn to let go and face the fact that while good things never last….some don’t even start….
You were born together, and together you shall be for evermore....but let there be spaces in your togetherness. And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Here's my love, take it. Here's my soul, use it. Here's my heart, don't break it. Here's my hand, hold it and together we will make it forever.

See võltsnaeratus varjab pisaraid, mis mu südames jõgedena voolavad.

Ask the child why it is born; ask the flower why it blossoms; ask the sun why it shines. I love you because I must love you.
Armastus: ajutine vaimuhaigus, mida saab ravida abieluga.
Ma ei armasta sind mitte üksnes seepärast, kes sa
oled, vaid seepärast, kes mina sinu seltsis olen. Ma ei armasta sind
mitte üksnes seepärast, kuhu sa oled jõudnud, vaid ka seepärast, kuhu
mina sinuga jõudnud olen. Ma armastan sind seepärast, et sa oled teinud
rohkem kui mitstahes õpetus, et mind paremaks muuta, ja sa oled teinud
rohkem kui mistahes saatus, et mind õnnelikuks muuta. Sa oled teinud
seda ainsagi puudutuseta, ainsagi sõnata, ainsagi viipeta. Sa oled
teinud seda, olles sina ise. Võib-olla sõbraks olemine just seda

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