Nothing will come to you if you don’t go for it! It takes just a step to achieve your goals!
Life is all about challenges.To become an overcomer,you don’t have to allow obstacles become an impediment but rather a stepping stone to your goals.Your thoughts have made you into who you are today. Watch your thoughts!!

Kõik kuulevad sind , kuid mitte keegi ei kuula . Kõik näevad ju sind , kuid mitte keegi ei vaata . Kõik hoiavad sind , kuid mitte keegi ei hooli . Siiski ükskõiges maailmast , mitte keegi ei soovi .
Someday you will cry for me, like i cried for you. Someday you will miss me, like i missed you. Someday you will need me, i like needed you. Someday you will love me, but i wont love you. Paljud kõnnivad üle su südame, aga on üks, kes sinna oma jäljed jätab. Enjoy your life today because yesterday had gone and tomorrow may never come.I wanna be remembered as the girl who always smiled hen her heart is broken and the one that could always brighten up your day, even if she vouldn't brighten up her own. armastust ei vali sina , vaid armastus valib sinu .I smile because, I have a no Idea whats going on . (: Esimese armastuse pettus õpetab tütarlastele mängima poiste südametega .
Hi, I'm a person, not a game. So don't play me.Midagi pole iseenesest hea ega halb, mõtlemine teeb asja heaks või halvaks.
I realized that after Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F .
Im a good enough person to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you.
Kord kohtusid armastus ja sõprus. Armastus küsis sõpruselt: " Kui mina olen maailmas olemas, siis miks üldse sind vaja on?"Sõprus vastas: "Et jätta naeratus sinna, kuhu sina jätad pisarad" Giving up doesen't always mean you're weak ; sometimes it means you're strong enough to let go.Be happy for this moment - this moment is your life.
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