Elu on mäng, mis lõpeb alati surmaga, ükskõik kuidas sa seda ka ei mängiks

Monday 21 February 2011

Sleeping is nice. You forget about everything for a little while.

 Other people will like you, when you let them to control you, but it isn't worth it.

and everytime i try to fly, i fall again

 Everything happens for a reason
 Everytime I think of you, I'm sad. Everytime I hear your name, I'm mad.

Sa olid mulle kallis, kuid nüüd unusta mind !
 Mäleta mind kui tüdrukut kes alati naeris , Kuid harva oli õnnelik ...
 Nuttes on raske päikest joonistada !
 Pisaraaid peidan kõikide eest, kuid hinges möllab raev.

sorry et ei tulnud eile, mul on teine. Ma olin temaga.
I wished you were something you were not .
 Just because I'm not crying, doesen't mean I'm okay.
What doesn't kill you,hurts like hell, but it doesn't kill you .
Astusin sesse meeletusse maailma, et naerda end vähemalt vabaks.

 Maailm on nagu peegel: põrnitse seda ja see põrnitseb vastu naerata ja see naeratab samuti.
 It's funny the way you can get use to the tears and the pain.
 The only magic i still belive in is love.

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